The photos are not as clear as they could be but my excuse is that I was maneuvering the boat while taking photos one-handed. The interesting aspect is the location. We were heading back to the lodge from a day’s successful whale watching to find this grizzly swimming between islands. We were about eight miles from the lodge toward Vancouver Island. It has become more common in the past five years to see and have reports of grizzly bears in the area of the lodge and closer to Vancouver Island. As a result of the healthy population of grizzly bears in Knight Inlet the sub-adult bears are being forced out of the area and are starting to migrate down the Inlet and across Johnstone Strait to take up residence on Vancouver Island. Grizzly bears have been sighted on the Island from Sayward to Port McNeil. To view a map of the areas mentioned scroll down the sidebar on the left to “Pages” then to “Google Map of Grizzly Bear Lodge Itinerary”.