Summer Slide – 2

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Slide debis

Travelling up Knight Inlet became like running through a maze. For the first two weeks the inlet was covered with slide debris and it was necessary to go quite slow and at times to push our way through the mess of small floating logs and branches.  As the trees came off the mountainside it was like they were in a debarking machine used by sawmills. As you can see they were free of branches and bark. The large islands of twisted trees were less of a problem as they were easy to move around. As the photo shows trees up to a meter (three feet) thick were snapped like toothpicks.  It is important to realize that in order for the logs in this pile to be so high out of the water (top logs close to three meters – nine feet) the other logs likely extended the same distance or more into the water. There were dozens of these floating rafts of logs in the inlet. More tomorrow…