Spring Tour Grizzly Bear


Grizzly Bear eating barnacles

Spring grizzly bear tours are from mid-May to August 24th. This is the date we are permitted to use the viewing platform on the Glendale River. The spring tours are along the shore of Knight Inlet, Glendale Cove and in the Glendale River. Along the Inlet the grizzlies scrap the barnacles and muscles from the rocks as shown in the photo. In the Cove they turn over rocks. This inter-tidal zone “food” is high in protein and is made up of crab, clams, barnacles, amphipods and other tiny invertebrates. The “beach food” is important because plant food is relatively scarce during spring and bears will continue to loose weight until well into June. In the river they graze on sedge grass, dig root, and enjoy the berry patches. There is allot of activity along the shore and the grizzlies are close and at eye level for good photos.